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Nuka-Town Market Ruins


The Nuka-Town market, nestled within Nuka-Town USA, serves as the bustling trading hub of Nuka-World in the year 2287. Enclosed within the courtyard of Nuka-Town USA, this market provides a platform for commerce and exchange, albeit under the watchful eye of raiders.

Background / History

Constructed within the confines of Nuka-Town USA, the market stands as the primary venue for trade in Nuka-World. Travelers seeking goods and services can access the market, provided they pay the required protection fee. Enslaved traders offer a variety of wares, catering to the diverse needs of visitors.


Entering from the southern gateway, visitors encounter a livestock pen, occasionally hosting the nomadic trader Katelyn Alden. Moving clockwise, the market features Aaron Corbett’s weapon stall, Shelbie Chase’s general store, Mackenzie Bridgeman’s clinic, and Maddox’s chem shack. In the market’s center, raiders oversee the enslaved merchants from scaffolding.

Notable Loot

  • Throatslicer: Available for purchase from Katelyn Alden.
  • Splattercannon: Sold by Aaron Corbett.
  • Smart Fragmentation Grenades: Offered by Shelbie Chase.
  • Calmex Silk: Provided by Maddox after exchanging ten pieces of bloodworm meat.
  • Fusion Cores: Located near Aaron Corbett, under the counter.
  • Mini Nuke: Found near Aaron Corbett, on a metal table.
  • Persuasion Grenade: Positioned near Aaron Corbett, in a shopping basket.
  • Star Core: Accessible near Shelbie Chase, on a nearby table.


Despite traders’ assertions that items are not available for free, visitors can freely loot all items within the area without repercussion.


  • After completing Open Season, traders may appear without clothing on all platforms.

Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Nuka-World Map

X: 8136 Y: 9585
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