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Nick Valentine Companions

Combat & Utility Summary

Equipped with a pistol, Nick holds his own in combat, boasting more health than most human companions. However, his true strength lies in his hacking abilities, which can be particularly beneficial for players struggling with terminal access.

While his affinity perk, Close to Metal, may not be universally advantageous, it provides significant benefits for players who specialize in hacking terminals. This perk grants an additional hacking attempt and reduces lockout times from terminals by 50%, streamlining the process for those who rely on hacking for information and resources.

Overall, "Nick Valentine" iconNick Valentine proves to be a versatile companion, excelling in both combat and technical support, making him a valuable asset for players traversing the dangers of the Commonwealth.


Complete "Getting a Clue" iconGetting a Clue

Personal Quest

Long Time Coming


Close to Metal





Interactive Map Locations

1. Commonwealth World Map

X: 7486 Y: 7700
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