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ArcJet Systems Industrial (Stacks)


"ArcJet Systems" iconArcJet Systems, once a thriving military and civilian aerospace contractor, now stands abandoned in the Commonwealth. Its history intertwines with pre-War ambitions of space exploration and government contracts.

Background / History

In the years leading up to the Great War, ArcJet embarked on ambitious projects, including the development of the XMB booster engine and a deep range transmitter for the United States Space Administration’s Mars Shot Project. CEO Thomas Reinhardt spearheaded these efforts, driving the company towards securing lucrative government contracts.

By 2287, "ArcJet Systems" iconArcJet Systems lay desolate like much of the Commonwealth. Scavengers are deterred by its active security systems, remnants of a time when its technology was prized.


The facility is divided into upper floors and the ArcJet engine core. The upper floors, accessible through various corridors and rooms, house office spaces and security installations. The engine core, a cavernous chamber, is the heart of ArcJet’s technological prowess, with the XMB booster engine serving as its centerpiece.

Notable Loot

Related Quests


  • The building’s interior undergoes reconfiguration for the "Call to Arms" iconCall to Arms quest.
  • An exploit allows access to otherwise inaccessible areas of the building for Variable Removal.
  • Certain bugs may affect quest progression and terminal hacking.

Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Commonwealth World Map

X: 5366 Y: 5913
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