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Bradberton Ruins


"Bradberton" iconBradberton, a locale situated in the exterior of Nuka-World, pays homage to John-Caleb Bradberton, the visionary behind Nuka-World’s inception. Initially established in 2060 as a company town, Bradberton served to accommodate Nuka-World employees, offering proximity to their workplace and facilitating shorter commutes. However, the once vibrant town has succumbed to the ravages of time, now haunted by several feral ghouls.


The town’s layout revolves around a central thoroughfare, encompassing a police station, motel, and various public edifices within the central square. Despite the dilapidation, the motel’s limited salvage remains accessible to resourceful scavengers. A small but impassable church adorns the western main road, while a playground graces the southeast corner. Adjacent to the playground lies a modest graveyard, neighbored by a residence featuring a carport and a functional weapons workbench. To the west of the playground stands the decrepit ruins of the Little Nuka Gift Shop, inviting exploration with its operational terminal.

Notable Loot

  • Rachel’s holotape: Found in a partially collapsed house east of the motel and northeast of the playground, near Rachel Watkins’ remains.
  • Nuka-Cola lunchbox: Situated within the same dilapidated house, resting on the kitchen counter.
  • Vault-Tec lunchbox: Discovered empty inside a red truck to the northeast.


A peculiar altar within the second house on the left along the southern road houses a pile of glowing embers, adorned with a Chinese officer sword. By interacting with the altar, dubbed “kindling,” the embers erupt into flames, conjuring stimpaks from the ether. Claiming the sword triggers the apparition of additional stimpaks.


  • The altar’s design pays homage to the Dark Souls series, where bonfires serve as focal points for restoring the player character’s health, akin to stimpaks in the Fallout universe. The term “kindling” also references a core gameplay mechanic in Dark Souls.

Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Nuka-World Map

X: 10422 Y: 4390
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