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Fens Street Sewer Sewers


The "Fens Street Sewer" iconFens Street Sewer in Fallout 4 serves as a chilling backdrop to the story of the Fens Phantom, a serial killer whose gruesome acts are laid bare through holotapes left behind.

Background / History

  • The sewers are the stage where the “Fens Phantom” displays his kills to an unnamed detective who’s hot on his trail.
  • Following the trail of holotapes left by the murderer, the Sole Survivor can uncover the killer’s fixation on the detective, leading to his eventual demise or capture.


  • Exterior: Access to the sewers is through a manhole north of "Diamond City" iconDiamond City. Head west from the main gate, then north into a side alley where the entrance is surrounded by railings.
  • Interior: The sewers reveal a macabre scene of skeletons and chilling displays. Skeletons arranged in peculiar postures, baby strollers, and eerie decorations line the path.
  • The journey leads through a maze of corridors, rooms, and flooded chambers, each hiding its own secrets and horrors.
  • Throughout the sewer, you’ll encounter feral ghouls and even a glowing one, adding to the sense of danger and foreboding.

Notable Loot

Related Quests

  • Ghoul Problem


The sewers hide numerous secrets and references, including nods to The Thing with an upside-down disembodied head and allusions to flamethrowers used in the film.


Designed by level designer Justin Schram

Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Commonwealth World Map

X: 7135 Y: 7653
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