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Andrew Station Subway Stations


"Andrew Station" iconAndrew Station, nestled in the South Boston neighborhood, serves as both a refuge and a haven for raiders and other unsavory characters. This underground hideout offers a glimpse into the criminal underbelly of post-apocalyptic Boston.


Exterior: The station entrance lies within a partially collapsed building, guarded by raiders under the leadership of Chancer. Crafting stations dot the vicinity, offering opportunities for weapon and armor modification.
Interior: Descending into the station reveals a network of tunnels and chambers, including Chancer’s quarters, a speakeasy adorned with a stage and bar, and access to Eddie Winter’s hideout. The presence of various crafting stations enhances the station’s utility for resourceful survivors.


  • Chancer: Notable leader of the raider faction occupying "Andrew Station" iconAndrew Station.
  • Raiders: Hostile occupants of the station, posing a threat to unwary travelers.
  • Eddie Winter: Prominent figure associated with the Long Time Coming quest.

Notable Loot

  • Exterior: Grognak the Barbarian Issue #2, fusion core, Stealth Boys, and a Vault-Tec lunchbox are among the treasures scattered around the station’s perimeter.
  • Interior: Eddie’s Peace, "To Claire" iconTo Claire holotape, and Joe’s Spuckies basement key offer valuable rewards within the station’s depths.

Related Quests

  • "Diamond City" iconDiamond City’s Most Wanted
  • Long Time Coming
  • Raider Troubles
  • To the Mattresses


  • Secret Passage: A hidden button behind a bookshelf in the speakeasy’s bar area unlocks a locked electric door, revealing a hidden reward chest.
  • Companion Comments: Companions offer insights and remarks within the speakeasy, adding depth to the location’s narrative.

Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Commonwealth World Map

X: 8776 Y: 8301
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