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War Never Changes Prologue


"War Never Changes" iconWar Never Changes is the prologue quest in Fallout 4, immersing players in the pre-War world of "Sanctuary Hills" iconSanctuary Hills on October 23, 2077. As nuclear detonations loom, players customize their character, experience the chaos of evacuation, and seek refuge in "Vault 111" iconVault 111 with their family. Unexpected events unfold, leading to cryogenic suspension and a tragic abduction, setting the stage for the main storyline to unfold.


"Sanctuary Hills" iconSanctuary Hills (pre-War)
"Vault 111" iconVault 111 (pre-War)


Character Customization: Begin the game by customizing the Sole Survivor’s appearance in the bathroom mirror.
Vault-Tec Representative: Respond to the doorbell to meet the Vault-Tec rep, who informs you of your selection for "Vault 111" iconVault 111.
Evacuation: Join your family and neighbors in a frantic rush to Vault 111 as nuclear detonations occur.
Vault Entry: Gain entry to Vault 111 amidst chaos and panic, following a tense encounter with the officer guarding the gate.
Cryogenic Suspension: Enter a cryo pod with your family as the vault seals shut, beginning an uncertain period of suspended animation.
Tragic Events: Witness the abduction of your spouse and infant son by unknown assailants, leading to unexpected awakenings and the start of Act One.


"Vault 111" iconVault 111 jumpsuit

Form ID


Editor ID


Quest Stages

Stage Status Description
10 Create character
20 Player allowed to walk around house
30 Walked into den and trigger "Codsworth" iconCodsworth
80 "Codsworth" iconCodsworth goes to Shaun
90 Vault-Tec rep rings doorbell
100 Talk to Vault-Tec rep
200 Choose S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats and choose name
220 Go to Shaun
240 Activate mobile
260 Investigate television
400 Get to the vault
450 Talk to the gate guard
470 Get on the platform
620 Take a suit
680 Follow the scientist
700 Comfort Shaun
710 Get in the pod
1000 Quest completed
5000 Player leaves area - world ends

Interactive Map Locations

1. Commonwealth World Map

X: 4437 Y: 3246
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