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Icon Title Overview
Item icon
100 Rupees

An exceedingly rare Rupee variant with distinctive silvery colouring.…

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20 Rupees

An somewhat rare Rupee with distinctive red colouring. Can be…

Item icon
300 Rupees

An ultra rare Rupee variant with a distinctive golden sheen.…

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5 Rupees

An uncommon Rupee with distinctive blue colouring. Can be found…

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50 Rupees

A rare Rupee variant with distinctive purple colouring. Usually…

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Big Key

Found inside chests in certain large dungeons, and used to unlock…

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Dungeon Map

Found inside treasure chests in most of the game’s larger dungeons.…

Item icon
Heart Container

Increases Zelda’s maximum number of hearts, and fully replenishes…

Item icon

The main currency in The Legend of Zelda series. This common…

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Small Key

Often found inside treasure chests in large dungeons. Used to…