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Jetpack SR Relics


Tap and hold to dash in the direction of the arrow for a short distance before becoming airborne and gliding. Reduce endurance by 10 every second. Cooldown: 120 seconds (gliding is not affected by the cooldown timer). "Jetpack" iconJetpack can hold up to 2 charges.


1 star to activate: Replenish 1 charge every 100 seconds. Gliding no longer expends endurance.

2 stars to activate: Gliding for longer than 3 seconds empowers the user’s next pummel attack to stun the target for 2 seconds.

3 stars to activate: Replenish 1 charge every 60 seconds.

4 stars to activate: Reduce physical damage received by 1.5%, even if not deployed. Unavailable in Apex League.

5 stars to activate: Store up to 3 charges.

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