Megami Tensei is a niche RPG series that was known for its difficulty, harkening back to the original Nintendo, with the first game being released in 1987. It was this difficulty that eventually spawned the spin-off series known as Persona. The first two games (technically three, as Persona 2 was split into two titles) weren’t all too popular in the west, but the release of the third game, which switched up the basic gameplay a bit by adding a life simulation element. This made the series immensely popular, spawning two sequels and a bunch of spin-offs and other media.
That brings us to this Persona 5 guide, which will be focusing on as much stuff that can be fit into it as possible. Of course, no guide for a RPG is complete with a beginning-to-end walkthrough of the main story. You will also find listings for all of the game’s Confidants, which are this version’s Social Links, complete with the best responses to give to them. There’s also a bunch of other stuff to look forward to, such as the Requests, a Persona Compendium and the ever useful Trophy Guide for those looking for another platinum.
- Jarrod “MasterVG782” Garripoli (Author)
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