Speak to Liara immediately after the mission and she’ll want to discuss some concerns she has about the Reapers. Finish the conversation and you’ll be rewarded with the Warp biotic ability (which you can apply to yourself in the nearby Med-Bay). This conversation can also help further the intimacy needed for a romance together if you’ve been chatting to her between every mission so far.
Chatting to Specialist Traynor will unlock a new N7 mission called N7: Cerberus Abductions . Also, speak to Wreav/Wrex in the war room as well for an amusing aside about his run ins with the Salarian Doctor…
For years, a lone soldier has told tales of the Reapers, of their return, of these sentient machines reaching out across the vastness of space, to harvest all sentient life. But the warnings were all for nothing. Until now. The Reapers have at last come to Earth and these warnings can no longer be ignored. You are Commander Shepard, the first human spectre and elite soldier of the Alliance, tasked with uniting the galaxy in the fight to stop the Reapers destroying everything you hold dear. In your hands lies the fate of the entire Milky Way but luckily, this time, you are no longer alone.
All side missions completed containing the included DLC.
Find every single weapon mod tucked away in the game.
In-depth look at the major choices and consequences of each.
Full details on all possible Romances.
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