Run right, through the teleporter, flick the switch and then jump over the stationary robot and start pushing it left. Stop pushing it once just before it touches the floor switch and wait for the walking robot to stop by the robot, forcing it to stand on the switch for longer.
Quickly jump up to the top of the robot and jump in to the teleporter here. You’ll land on a platform with a switch, so hit it and then quickly jump back through the teleporter you just came through. You should grab the ledge with the terminal on it if you’re quick enough.
Hack the terminal and then drop back down to the ground floor (if you’re looking for the hidden [Helix] on this level, then now’s a great time to go get it). Otherwise, simply run back through the left-hand teleport and straight into the open exit.
Welcome to our official strategy guide to the tears-inducingly tough Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark (also known to PC players as Stealth Bastard). Inside our frustration-reducing, easy-to-follow guide we’re going to show you…
How to conquer all 80 main levels with that coveted S-Rank - the easy way.
Where to track down (and tick off) all 80 main hidden collectable Helices.
Some super useful shortcuts for those who enjoy a spot of speedrunning.
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