Super Mario Odyssey is the first Super Mario platformer released on the Nintendo Switch, with it debuting worldwide on October 27, 2017. It first began development in 2013, after the release of Super Mario 3D World for the Nintendo Wii U, as it was made by the same development team. The way the Joycon controllers work is what led to the hat throwing mechanic being implemented into the game, as well as the sandbox environments. This also led to the mechanic that Power Moons, when collected, would not send Mario back to the beginning of the level, something that was present in most other 3D Mario platformers.
Bowser, once again, has kidnapped Princess Peach and it is up to the former plumber, Mario, to rescue her. This time, though, Bowser plans on marrying Peach and while attempting to foil his plans, Mario is knocked off of Bowser’s ship in their scuffle, his signature hat shredded. Mario lands in a mysterious place called the Cap Kingdom, where he meets with Cappy, one of the residents. As it turns out, his sister, Tiara, was also kidnapped by the King Koopa, so he joins up with Mario to set out on an adventure.
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