At this point, unless you have been keeping up with your side-tasks and associate activities (if you are like me you won’t have) you’ll be required to entertain some of them, well quite a few of them actually. We will not be able to begin the eighth Memory Sequence until after we have captured three of the nine boroughs of London.
To capture a borough, you’ll need to complete each of the associate tasks that appear within its boundaries. These are short, simple 2 minute missions which consist of:
Child Liberations,
Templar Hunts,
Bounty Hunts and,
Gang Strongholds
Fortunately, we had to capture Whitechapel earlier as part of the main storyline, so in essence you’ll only be required to capture another pair of boroughs to proceed with the storyline. Depending on your level at this point, I’d recommend liberating two of the following three boroughs: -
Lambeth (Level 3)
The Thames (Level 4)
Southwark (Level 5)
After capturing three boroughs, you can trigger Memory Sequence 08 from the Assassin’s wall in the Train Hideout.
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