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V Rising

Baron du Bouchon the Sommelier Boss Guide

Ben Chard

One of the unique features of V Rising is the ability to gain new abilities and unlocks from the many V Blood Carriers across Vardoran. With the release of the Gloomrot Expansion, many new bosses were added and "Baron du Bouchon the Sommelier" iconBaron du Bouchon the Sommelier is a rather eccentric boss that awaits you in Silverlight Hills. Keep reading to learn where to find and defeat him, along with the rewards you can expect.

The Baron du Bouchon is a boss in V Rising’s Gloomrot Expansion.

Table of Contents

If you want to jump straight to our strategy, or perhaps see what rewards you get from beating the Baron, check out the following table:

Baron du Bouchon Location

Once you’ve got your head around the Baron’s name, you’ll need to make sure you’re at least around his level range (70). Unlike many of the other V Blood Bosses out there, you won’t need too much in the way of preparation as the Baron is one of the simpler bosses out there in terms of mechanics.

(1 of 2) Head to Brighthaven Vineyards in Silverlight Hills to find Baron du Bouchon

Head to Brighthaven Vineyards in Silverlight Hills to find Baron du Bouchon (left), where he awaits in his wine cellar. (right)

Fortunately, you’ll be fighting the Baron in his wine cellar, so you won’t need to worry about the Sun interfering during the course of the battle. To locate him, head to Silverlight Hills (on the west side of the map) and go to Brighthaven Vineyards to find the cellar that he lurks in. Be sure to deal with the enemies outside, so they don’t join you in the battle, and then, once ready, go down the stairs to begin the battle.

Baron du Bouchon Boss Strategy

As a Level 70 boss, you may be forgiven for expecting more out of this battle, but it is in fact one of the easier battles at this level range. A lot of the battle is based on the Barrel Roll mechanic that persists throughout the encounter.

Baron du Bouchon has multiple attacks that you’ll need to watch out for and you can learn about them all below:

Barrel Roll

This is the main gimmick to the battle against the Baron revolves around this attack. As you’re fighting in a cellar, the Baron will cause a line of barrels to come rolling down across the arena. To begin with, these will come from the southern wall, but as the battle goes on, these will come from all directions. Should be struck by a barrel, you’ll be stunned, but you can dash through them or strike them with a weapon/spell to break it.

(1 of 2) The Blood Orb is easy to avoid if you’re at medium range.

The Blood Orb is easy to avoid if you’re at medium range. (left), Barrels will roll across the room at all times. (right)

Blood Orb

The Baron will shoot out a Blood Orb towards you, should it strike you, it will give leech some health off you. So long as you’re at medium range, this is easy to avoid.


When you get close to the Baron, he will attempt to thrust with his Rapier that will deal moderate damage should it land. You can see when the Baron is reeling back to prepare the attack, so keep your distance when you see it.

(1 of 2) You have plenty of time to get out of the AoE circle and avoid the Blood Explosion attack.

You have plenty of time to get out of the AoE circle and avoid the Blood Explosion attack. (left), Look for the glint of his rapier to anticipate his Thrust attack. (right)

Blood Explosion

The Baron will cause a large Blood Explosion centered around him in a large AoE. This is highly telegraphed and you have plenty of time to get away from the large circle before the attack is triggered.

As you can see from the skills above, there’s not too much to worry about when it comes to the Baron. If you learn how to deal with the Barrel Roll attack, the rest of it is more of a formality. Still, it can always help to be able to leech health in any boss encounter so consider bringing the "Sanguine Coil" iconSanguine Coil spell along with you.

As soon as you initiate the battle by attacking the Baron, you will start seeing a line of barrels roll across the room. If you get hit by one of these, you’ll get Stunned so look to either Dash through them or attack a single barrel in advance so that you create some space for yourself to slip through.

(1 of 2) You can shoot the barrels to create a safe space to move into

You can shoot the barrels to create a safe space to move into (left), and they will start rolling from other directions as the battle continues. (right)

All of the Baron’s other attacks either do little damage or they are telegraphed to a degree that makes them incredibly easy to avoid, even without your Dash being available. Do beware that the Baron is a melee attacker, so try to avoid getting too close to him and use a weapon with some range to it, such as the Crossbow, Pistols, or the Whip.

Baron du Bouchon Rewards

When you defeat the Baron, you’ll unlock a Tier 2 Blood Spell Point, and alongside this, you’ll unlock the Rural Garden Fencing, Barrel Disguise, Blood Merlot, and Blood Merlot Amulet recipes.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Stunlock Studios
  • Platforms,
    PC, Steam
  • Genre
    MMORPG, Survival
  • Guide Release
    24 May 2022
  • Last Updated
    13 June 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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V Rising is an survival game developed by Stunlock Studios. First announced on May 5, 2021 for Windows, early access started on May 17, 2022.

This guide for V Rising features everything you need to know to get an advantage over the other Vampires and currently contains the following:

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