Creature Create is - more than likely - an aspect of the game you’re not familiar with, even if you played the original FFX-2. This is because this feature, in its own way like the Monster Arena of FFX, is exclusive to the FFX-2: International game, and now HD as well. It works on many of the same presumptions, although you do many in different ways: essentially, you capture monsters. If you played FFXIII-2, you may be find it a little familiar. You can even fight tournaments involving these monsters and add others into your party, and part of leveling them up and releasing them is essentially additive to the storyline, and even required for a few Trophies, Dresspheres, and Garment Grids. It’s not required for 100% at least, and the rewards are pretty meager, but, even so, it expands immensely upon the original formula in FFX-2, providing you with much more to do and to see.
To start Creature Create, you need to speak with Shinra on the Celsius. There are several options within the menu given: these include the capture, training, and analysis of monsters; their history; the ability to rename them and the ability to enter the Colosseum, which is essentially tournaments. All of these will eventually be covered as in-depth as is possible within the scope of this section.
The rest of the Creature Create section will cover the more in-depth details. The main point of Creature Create is - other than a few related Trophies - is to earn monsters to use in your party (which you cannot control, by the way), and to unlock the various Colosseum cups.
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