This page gives a detailed analysis of the Grass Drome enemy found in East Crossbell Highway.
Enemies will be added to your Combat Notebook upon encountering and defeating them in battle. However, the info provided is pretty barebones, but more information will be added as you fight more. If you use a Battle Scope or Tio’s Analyze Craft, then you will unveil all of the information on that particular. When you have fully unlocked the info on a particular enemy, you will see a red checkmark next to their entry in the Combat Notebook. It’s generally easier to use the item or Craft, since there are plenty of enemies you only encounter once. You will need check marks for every single enemy in the game in order to unlock The Usual Suspects trophy/achievement.
Small mollusk monster that uses wind arts. Has an endless spring of orbal energy within. This enemy is immune to wind-based damage.
Level | HP | Experience | Items Dropped |
8 | 432 | 25 | Clear Gelatin, Crying Onion |
65 | 39 | 65 | 15 | 28 |
Elemental Efficacy¶
Earth | Water | Fire | Wind |
200 | 100 | 100 | 0 |
Sepith Gained¶
Earth | Water | Wind | Time | Space | Mirage |
1 | 6 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
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