Locate and speak to Urag gro-Shub . Ask if there’s any business that needs to be taken care of and he mentions Shalidor and wanting some of his writings, so we have to go look for them. The location is random , by the way. Just go to that location and fight your way to the marker.
Once you get the Book, return to Urag and give it to him. Now wait for 48 hours and speak to him once again. He gives you one of the following scrolls:
- Shalidor’s Insights: Alteration (3)
- Shalidor’s Insights: Conjuration (3)
- Shalidor’s Insights: Destruction (3)
- Shalidor’s Insights: Illusion (3)
- Shalidor’s Insights: Restoration (3)
- Shalidor’s Insights: Magicka (3)
All of these increase the effect and decreases the cost of the spells for 120 seconds . Pretty neat. The last one fortifies your Magika by 100 and increases your regeneration . Also, instead of giving you any of the above, he can up any of your magic-related skills by one . Even better.
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