The following lists detail every character’s important specs. Only characters you can recruit as allies in Birthright are covered.
Here’s what you will find:
- Growth rates of stats. Add these to class growth rates for a final growth rate.
- Primary class this character is recruited in
- Possible reclasses from Heart Seal (secondary classes, these will be given to child characters or through S/A+ rank with other characters)
- Recommended usage and short character analysis
Finally, a note on children. They are very malleable, and their class access is as such:
They will inherit a fixed class from the father they are linked to. This will never change.
They will have a secondary class inherent to them. This also never changes (and happens to be the class you recruit them in)
They will have a third class they can also reclass into through Heart Seal that will be the same as the primary class of the mother (secondary if it is the same as what they already have).
Only the classes fixed to each child will be included in this guide. To see what their third class is, see the primary and secondary classes of the mother unit.
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