As daughter of the Grand Marshal of Eternia, Braev Lee, and once a member of the Eternian Sky Knights, Edea led a force to capture the then Wind Vestal Agnes Oblige. Having witnessed the atrocious acts of her countrymen however, she sided with Agnes, becoming a renegade and traitor.
In the intervening years since saving Luxendarc, Edea has become knights-captain of the newly-formed Eternian Ducal Guard. From her new position, she helps rebuild her country while working with Agnès to achieving long-lasting peace between the duchy and the Orthodoxy.
After Agnes is kidnapped by Kaiser Oblivion, she heads off on her own to the various towns of Eternia in the hopes of learning more about the situation at hand. She eventually meets Yew Geneologia and vows to help him in his fight against the kaiser and to rescue Agnes.
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