Friday, July 21, 2023¶
- Added the following Trophy Pages:
Thursday, July 20, 2023¶
- Added the following Chronolith Trial Pages:
- Added the following Side Quest Page:
- Added the following Trophy Pages:
Wednesday, July 19, 2023¶
Added the following Side Quest pages:
Added the following Chronolith Trial pages:
Added the following Trophy pages:
Tuesday, July 18, 2023¶
Added the following Side Quest pages:
Added the following Chronolith Trial pages:
Added the following Trophy pages:
Monday, July 17, 2023¶
Added the following Side Quest pages:
Added the following Getting Started pages:
Added the following Gear pages:
Added the following Hunt pages:
Added the following Trophy pages:
Friday, July 14, 2023¶
Added the following Side Quest pages:
Added the following Hunt pages:
Added the following Eikon page:
Thursday, July 13, 2023¶
- Added the following Side Quest pages:
- Added the following Hunt pages:
Wednesday, July 12, 2023¶
- Added the following Side Quest pages:
- Added the following Hunt pages:
Tuesday, July 11, 2023¶
- Added the following Hunt pages:
- Added the following Side Quest pages:
Monday, July 10, 2023¶
- Added the following Hunt pages:
- Added the following Side Quest pages:
Friday, July 7, 2023¶
- Added the following Side Quest pages:
- Added the following Hunts pages:
- Added the following Chronolith Trial pages:
Thursday, July 6 2023¶
Added the following Side Quest pages:
Added the following Eikon pages:
Added the following Trophy pages:
Added the following Hunts pages:
Added the following main walkthrough page:
Added the following Eikon page:
Wednesday, July 5, 2023¶
- Added the following Side Quest pages:
- Added the following Chronolith Trial pages:
- Added the following Hunts pages:
Tuesday, July 4, 2023¶
Added the following Side Quest pages:
Added the following Tips and Trick page:
Added the following Gear pages:
Added the following Chronolith Trial pages:
Added the following main walkthrough page:
Monday, July 3, 2023¶
Added the following Trophy pages:
Added the following Side Quest pages:
Added the following Tips and Tricks pages:
Added the following Hunts pages:
Added the following Gear pages:
Added the following Walkthrough page:
Updated the following pages:
- Akashic Morbol Boss Guide (media)
- Flame Lizard Boss Guide (media)
Saturday, July 1, 2023¶
Added the following walkthrough pages:
Updated the following pages:
- How to Beat the Morbol (added the Acid Spit attack)
Friday, June 30, 2023¶
Added the following Eikon pages:
Added the following Trophy pages:
Added the following Gear pages:
Added the following Side Quests:
Added the following Hunt pages:
Added the following walkthrough pages:
Thursday, June 29, 2023¶
Added the following Side Quest pages:
Added the following Gear pages:
Added the following Hunt pages:
Added the following walkthrough pages
Updated the following pages:
- Iron Giant Boss Guide (media)
- Infernal Eikon Boss Guide (media)
- Infernal Shadow Boss Guide (media)
Wednesday, June 28, 2023¶
Added the following Side Quest pages:
Added the following Trophies page:
Added the following Tips & Tricks page:
Added the following Hunt pages:
Added the following Walkthrough pages:
Tuesday, June 27, 2023¶
Added the following Basics page:
Added the following Side Quest page:
Added the following Hunt pages:
Added the following main quest pages:
Updated the following main quest pages:
Monday, June 26, 2023¶
Updated the following Basics page:
Added the following Tips and Tricks pages:
Added the following Side Quest page:
Added the following Eikon pages:
Added the following Hunt pages:
Added the following walkthrough pages:
Sunday, June 25, 2023¶
Added the following Side Quest pages:
Added the following Eikon Ability page:
Added the following Hunt pages:
Added the following main quest pages:
Saturday, June 24, 2023¶
Added the following Basic page:
Added the following Walkthrough pages:
Added the following Side Quest pages:
Added the following Hunt page:
Friday, June 23, 2023¶
Added the following Basic pages:
Added the following Walkthrough pages:
Added the following Side Quest pages:
Added the following Eikon pages:
Added the following Hunt pages:
Updated the following pages:
- How to Beat Shiva’s Dominant (media)
- How to Beat Tiamat (media)
Thursday, June 22, 2023¶
Added the following Getting Started pages:
Added the following Walkthrough pages:
Added the following Side Quest pages:
Wednesday, June 21, 2023¶
Added the following Walkthrough pages:
Updated the following pages:
- Gigas Boss Fight in Stillwind (added media)
Tuesday June 20, 2023¶
- Added the following Walkthrough pages:
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