Titan Lost will be the second skirmish with Titan, happening right after the first battle with him. This time, though, he’s a lot bigger and it might look daunting, but there will definitely be plenty of cinematic stuff during the bout. Be ready to hit the buttons that appear during the QTE segments, and you will have no trouble at all bringing this monster of an Eikon down to normal size.
How to Beat Titan Lost in Final Fantasy 16¶
The second battle with Titan Lost is more of a grand spectacle, with cinematics taking over a decent chunk of it. There will be three parts where you’re on a platform and have to dodge its attacks, then attack the arm whenever you have a chance. Most of the attacks are fairly easy to dodge, with one or two exceptions which we will cover in details below.
All Titan Lost Attacks in Final Fantasy XVI¶
The only attacks shown will be the ones where Titan Lost is directly attacking you. That means the little bit at the beginning, where you’re running, won’t be included and we will instead, just concentrate on the attacks coming when you have full control.
Finger Crystals¶
The first attack from Titan Lost will most likely be when he slams his fingers into the platform, which will cause crystals to come out of the ground that head in a straight line. You could try jumping over the crystals, or doing a Precision Dodge through them. You can attack the hand after the attack is over, since the fingers will be stuck in the platform for a few seconds.
Straight Punch¶
Titan will pull his arm back, then deliver a straight punch along the edge of the platform. The area it will be hitting will be marked, so you just need to avoid that side of the platform, then wait for the attack to slow down, which is when you can start with your own offense.
Hand Sweep¶
Titan will bring his hand close to the platform, in an open wide position, then sweep it across the arena. You could probably jump over this, but the attack moves slowly enough that you should be able to dodge through it easily. He will sometimes do this twice in a row, later in the battle.
Fist Shockwave¶
Titan will make a fist, then slam it on one side of the platform from which a shockwave will shoot across the ground. You can easily jump over it, or try to dodge through it. Note that he will do another one of these right after, on the opposite side of the arena. There is a point later in the fight, where he will do this same attack with one of its tentacles, instead of his fist.
Rock Throw¶
Different than the named Stone’s Throw below, Titan will just toss a cluster of boulders in your direction. Just dodge accordingly to try and dodge the barrage.
Stone’s Throw¶
After the first stagger, you will move to a new platform, and this will then be the first attack that Titan will do. Similar to the previous battle, it will toss a humongous boulder at you, and you will need to either dodge it or use Brimstone to avoid taking damage.
Granite Rain¶
Titan will scrape a piece of ground, flinging up a bunch of boulders into the air. They will fall down onto the platform you’re on, with markers showing their landing spots. You could try to shoot fireballs, but you should just concentrate on dodging the attack.
Strategy for the Titan Lost Boss in FFXVI¶
At the beginning of the battle, you will automatically run with Ifrit, who will be moving without your control. You will only be able to move him left and right, with the face buttons doing their usual actions. While running, you will need to avoid rocks that fall to the ground, as well as glowing rocks that seem to be sent your way. The rocks embedded in the ground will need to be dodged, while the glowing rocks in the sky can be shot with your Fireball. This little bit doesn’t last too long, though, as the game will transition to you running on the various tentacles.
When you gain control while on the tentacles, you will see the same glowing rocks as before, but there will also be crystals that come out of the tentacles. These can be difficult to completely avoid, but it might be possible to use evade to get past them, or even try to jump over them. Eventually, this will lead to a Cinematic Evasion scene, then another Cinematic Clash. Upon getting past these, you will land on a platform, and the real fight will begin.
Titan here is pretty big, so you’re not going to be attacking much else, other than his arm. The majority of his attacks are easy to dodge, except for maybe the Finger Crystals one, since that move will be covering a good portion of your platform. You could try jumping over the crystals, but you might be better off just trying to dodge through them (getting a Precision Dodge). The Hand Sweep might look dangerous, but it’s slow enough that you should have an ample opportunity to dodge through it. Whenever he does the shockwave attack, he will always do a second from the other side.
After staggering Titan once, he will do Stone’s Throw, which is very hard to dodge, since it’s so big. Your best option here is to probably save your Brimstone for this attack. You should start seeing Granite Rain at this point, where Titan will just rain down rocks on the platform. Thankfully, where the rocks land will have markers, so just concentrate on dodging them all. From here, there won’t really be any new moves throughout the rest of the battle, although the arena will change one more time after the second stagger. At the beginning of the third round, he will use a tentacle to do a shockwave, instead of his fists.
With the first two staggers, there will be a Cinematic Evasion that follows the corresponding cutscene. After the third cutscene, there will be a total of three Cinematic Clashes, then you will be falling down while holding onto an object. You should see a target reticule on your screen here and you’ll want to shoot the glowing rocks heading in your direction. If you don’t, then you’ll take damage from them. Eventually, another tentacle will appear on your screen, complete with its own health bar, so take shots at it in between the rocks to destroy it.
One final Cinematic Clash later, and you will be finished with Titan Lost, so get ready for one final boss in this sequence.
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